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We're Headed to Nicaragua!

I hope you enjoyed my update last week. This week, I wanted to let you know our Beyond the Light team is headed to Nicaragua in September and we need your help!

We have set a goal to build 100 new solar kits for impoverished Nicaraguan families. While we are in Nicaragua this September, our team will complete some important tasks:

  • Install new solar systems in La Mora and El Carmen villages

  • Inspect, collect data, and complete any needed repairs of our previously installed kits in the La Mora and El Carmen villages

  • Provide technical training for our local teams so that they learn to use, install and repair our solar kits

  • Set up a battery maintenance center

But we can’t meet our goal without some help from you. Your $100 tax-deductible donationwill fund a complete solar kit for a Nicaraguan family. That means a family that has been without electricity would soon have light in the evenings needed to cook, clean, and read to their kids as well as power to charge cell phones at zero cost to the family. Donations of any size will help us reach our goal. If your company is interested in sponsoring a project, please let us know, and we will add your company’s name to our website and organization literature.

Help us bring light to a Nicaraguan family by donating today.

Thanks for your support!

Beyond the Light Project Team

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