While we were installing a solar electrical system at a school in Honduras, I caught this little girl outside having a snack. I thought I'd share some reports on how things are going at the schools in Nicaragua and Honduras now that they have had their new systems for over a month.
First, I will tell you our data collection methods. When we are first at the school, we will sit down with the teachers and do a survey with them to figure out their teaching methods and such. During this survey, we discuss lighting placement, where to put the controller box and discuss their classroom and issues that they face on an everyday basis without electricity. We also ask about any other issues in the community, such as health and security. In Honduras, we had the famous nurse practitioner, Dr. Allison Huffman perform the survey with her wonderful linguistic skills. While we were in Nicaragua, the famous keyboard player and linguist, Joncar Flores did the same.
One of the main things the teachers discussed with us now that they have electricity is that they plan on doing more celebrations, night classes and conferences. I even walked in on one school having a parent meeting in a classroom...with lights! Just awesome.
Harvey has even sent two post surveys to the teachers to see what kind of effects electricity has had on their schools for the last month. I am very excited to say that everything is working well and the students are really benefiting. There are meetings going on at the schools at night. One school is having a fund-raiser (selling cell phone charging) to get the equipment for an adult literacy program at night! We are going to help them do just that. Harvey and I are sizing up the equipment and figuring out the cost, so when we go back to Nicaragua in July, we will get this important program going.
I can't wait for news from the field to see the positive impact that having electricity is having on the communities there. I see secondary education, adult education, entertainment and lots of it! Thank you all for supporting us a