We had a really great team effort last week and competed solar installations in 15 homes and 5 schools. Everyone worked very hard in the villages around El Carmen and Rancho Grande in Nicaragua. One of the things that is tough about doing this kind of work is that it really takes a lot of dedicated people. Different people do different jobs to bring solar electricity to these people in the mountains.
First, you need someone that lives in the area that is dedicated to supporting all of the systems and building all of the relationships with the families, teachers and communities. Pastor Domingo Valverde is that person for BTLP in Matagalpa. I think that Pastor Domingo knows everyone in the whole region. He organizes the lists of families and schools and is the technician for the solar electrical systems in this area. Pastor Domingo supports and maintains over 100 solar electrical systems in homes and 20 solar electrical systems in schools in his area.
Next thing you need is someone who will organize a place for the team to stay and make sure that everything is ready and people are taken care of. This is Sandra. She opens her house to everyone on the team and organizes and mask-making project. Here is a picture of her with her new baby.
You also need a leader that gets everything together and makes sure that all of the nuts and bolts are counted and all of the connections are good. Harvey Molina does this as the engineer for BTLP in Nicaragua. He makes sure that everything is properly build and in the right place. Harvey is organized and a good example for everyone to follow. He is also very patient and teaches everyone the proper electrical techniques like you see in the picture.
One other thing you need are people to deal with the paperwork and do the surveying of the families and teachers. You see below our trusty researchers Damaris and Wilbur. They keep track of all of the paperwork and ask questions and fill out surveys for each of the installations. This is a tough job, but you really get to know the customers, and play with the kids too.
These are not the only people on the BTLP solar team for October 2020. You also see in the group picture others that help with feeding the team and carrying supplies and such. We are also missing a picture of Alexi, who is a very dedicated technician for BTLP.
I want you to see and get to know these people as they serve the poor. Sometimes, when I am not feeling that great, I think of them. When I do this, I know that there are people out there that are working every day making their communities better and really helping their neighbors. These people inspire me to do my best.